Sunday, March 1, 2015

Petitioning Mitch O’Farrell (CD13), Carolyn Ramsay (CD4 candidate), David Ryu (CD4 candidate),Gil Cedillo (CD1)

Please sign petition to put a MORATORIUM on SMALL LOTS in Silver Lake, Echo Park & Elysian Valley to stop projects like Black Birds.

PETITION: We the undersigned residents of the Silver Lake - Echo Park - Elysian Valley Community Plan call for the following:
(Please sign if you live or work within the area- See map on the attached photo)

IMMEDIATE MORATORIUM on all projects subject to the SMALL LOT ORDINANCE -Interim Control Ordinance shall be issued by our elected City Councilmembers to halt all Small Lots pending

TINY LOTS = MANSIONIZED HOMES   Subdividing one housing lot into 5 or 6 small lots is producing tall, narrow, 3-4 story homes that dwarf adjacent residences.

SMALL LOT DESIGN GUIDELINES   Must be re-written to specifically address compatibility with existing neighborhood character; they shall be made enforceable criteria for project approval; they shall align with the Silver Lake – Echo Park – Elysian Valley Community Plan.  We want clear provisions to ensure that projects conform to the prevailing height, mass and set back of surrounding homes.

DENSITY LIMITS   Adopt a new ordinance that protects hillside lots and narrow, dead-end or undeveloped streets from Small Lot over-development where these limitations exist.

DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE   Must be seated to provide for a community-based review of project compliance with existing neighborhood character.

PROMOTE RESPONSIBLE GROWTH   We are not against development.  We are for well-designed projects that blend with our neighborhoods to produce new housing opportunities for a range of residents.


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